
Carnival - Sheba Combo (Silver)

for 1 year

Policy Details

Life BDT 100,000
PTD BDT 60,000
Hospital in BDT 34,000
Hospital out BDT 6,000
  • Number of insured – 1
  • Life Coverage of Primary Member – BDT 100,000

    * death at any cause except suicide/HIV-AIDS

  • Permanent total disability (PTD) – BDT 60,000

    * In case of Total and Permanent Disability resulting from bodily injury directly through accidental means, which prevents the Insured Member from engaging in any business, occupation or work whatsoever for remuneration or profit and which disability has continued uninterruptedly for a period of at least six months and has been certified to be incurable by a physician approved by the Parties subject to provisions of this agreement.

  • While interpreting this definition the Second Party shall, however, recognize as Total and Permanent Disability the entire and irrevocable loss of:
    • Both eyes
    • Both hands above the wrist
    • Both feet above the ankle
    • One hand above the wrist and one foot above the ankle
    • One eye and one hand above the wrist
    • One eye and one foot above the ankle
  • Health Coverage (in-patient) - BDT 34,000

    * an in-patient is someone who's been admitted to hospital at least for a night as per doctor's recommendation.

    • In-patient services include - during hospitalization period Room rent, Hospital services, Surgical expenses, Consultation fees, Diagnostic bills, Medicine etc.
    • Maximum confinement benefit - BDT 2,000/day (maximum 17 days/year)
  • Health Coverage (out-patient) - BDT 6,000

    * an out-patient is someone who goes to a hospital for a treatment but does not stay overnight.

    • Out-patient services include – diagnostic tests and related attended physician's visit
    • Doctor's visit BDT 300/prescription
    • Diagnosis bills (20% copayment – paid by patients) doctor's visit


  • Yearly Coverage up to

    BDT 200,000

  • Yearly Premium (one time payment)

    BDT 1,300 BDT 1,301

You care about your loved ones. Lets secure their life in the best way.​

Gift them something that will benefit them financially.​

Yearly Premium (one time payment) 1,300 BDT