
Green Health Standard

2 persons ( Age 46 to 50 years )

Policy Details

Health Coverage BDT 50,000
  • Number of insured persons– 2
  • Health Coverage (in-patient)

    * an in-patient is someone who's been admitted to hospital at least for a night as per doctor's recommendation.

    • Hospital accommodation (including all room services and telephone charges) - Actual cost (maximum BDT 1200/- per day)
    • Major surgical operation - Actual cost (maximum BDT 15,000 per case)
    • Intermediate surgical operation - Actual cost (maximum BDT 10,000 per case)
  • Health Coverage (out-patient)

    * an out-patient is someone who goes to a hospital for a treatment but does not stay overnight.

    • Consultant’s fee - Actual cost (maximum BDT 500/- per day)
    • Routine investigations - Actual cost (maximum BDT 1,000/-)
    • Medicine & drugs prescribed by the Consultant - Actual cost (maximum BDT 4,000/-*)
  • Labor room services, post-operative care facilities, Oxygen therapy, skilled nursing services, intensive care facility, blood transfusions, ambulance service, dressing, tests other than routine investigations - 80% of the total amount (maximum BDT 6,000)


  • Yearly Coverage up to

    BDT 50,000

  • Yearly Premium (one time payment)

    BDT 3,040

You care about your loved ones. Lets secure their life in the best way.​

Gift them something that will benefit them financially.​

Yearly Premium (one time payment) 3,040 BDT